Sleep & Self Help: Can You Put Yourself To Bed Without External Help?

Knowingly, or unknowingly, you could be killing your sleep softly. Lifestyle, food, behavior, mood and health affect sleep on a large scale. American Sleep Association estimates 50-70 million people suffer some kind of sleep disorder. The leading disorder is insomnia which is followed by sleep apnea.

Can you believe, 35.3 % American adults are taking less than 7 hours of sleep in 24 hours? It bone-chilling to know that 100,000 deaths occur due to medical negligence by the professionals in medical field. Also, people seem to push themselves into sleepy driving leading to severe injuries to fatal fate.

Are you wondering if you’re sleep deprived too?

If you’re not sure those untimely sleepy yawns and naps occur due to your boring office work or sleep deprivation then check out the further symptoms to get a clearer picture.

1. Continuous Irritation and Sleepiness
2. Difficulty in Understanding & Concentrating
3. Moody Behaviour & Gloominess
4. Going for Too Many Caffeinated Drinks
5. Headaches, Migraine or Gastrointestinal Issues

Positive answers to all the above questions indicates that you need an immediate help to cure these symptoms with proper sleep.

How Can You Turn Around The Table?

You can immediately tuck yourself to bed with certain environmental, behavioral and mental wellness improvements. Want to know how?

1. Environment
Here, let’s talk about your bedroom. You must eliminate noisy appliances like fan, AC units or room fridge from your room that could be screaming to give you bad nights. Also, do you have a messy room with most of the space cluttered? It’s a poison for your sleep. Make sure you clean your area and add positive vibes through aroma lamps and potpourris. Change your mattress if necessary, as it could be causing you body aches and uncomfortable posture. Keep all the entertainment idiots out of your bedroom. It is not the place for television, playstation and mobiles.

2. Behaviour
You are expected to accommodate habits that will fulfil your sleep requirements. Practice these following:

  •  Relaxation Technique : meditation, music, art, reading or whatever puts of your stress level down. 
  •   Sex is advisable as it releases dopamine which induces relaxation and sleepiness. 
  • Take more of early morning sun if you’re traveling east and late afternoon sun if you’re traveling west. It’s the best way to deal with jetlag.

3. Mental Health
If you’re a suffer of chronic depression and stress, you’re probably dealing with sleep disorder too. Consult a doctor if you’re on anti-depressant medication as it could be hampering with your circadian cycle. You can add stress relieving teas and supplements in order to reduce your cloudy mind that keeps on thinking on trivial details.

Don’t let sleep disorders ruin your health by following these self help sleep problem solutions. With these implementation, you’re sure to put on your peaceful “zzz” mode.
Natural sleep aids                                                                                                       Sleepsupplements

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